Liga da Justiça | Confira fotos do elenco reunido na divulgação do filme na China

Hoje é o dia que está saindo uma enxurrada de noticias sobre a Liga da Justiça. O elenco do filme  se reuniu para começar a divulgação do filme na China. Jason Momoa e Henry Cavill, que também está na turnê, divulgaram registros dos eventos no Instagram. Confira:

CHINA is ALL IN #papercutssuck #whothefuckisjason #honoredtobeaquaman aloha j

A post shared by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on

So happy to be reunited It’s gonna be a great night love u aloha j #allinchina #justiceleaguetour

A post shared by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on

ALL IN Beijing. Love my league aloha j

A post shared by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on

I love a good back laser! #JusticeLeague #China

A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

Found these guys! Now we're just missing 2. #JusticeLeague #China

A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

Found the rest! #JusticeLeague #China

A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

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